
Between work, and keeping up with my animations I've come across a really annoying issue in Maya forcing my animations to a halt. All type of constraints are breaking and not following properly, but I'm here delivering the one thing I can do. A rendered out video of some of my progress back from my 14 days of cycles I've been cleaning up!
Feedback is welcomed as always!

14 Days of Cycles- End

So my two week project already came to an abrupt end. I've been busy with job interviews and cleaning and getting things ready in the apartment since my girlfriend will finally be arriving tomorrow. I want to keep you all updated, but my free time will definitely be even more limited now. Definitely after she flies back home I'll pick up the slack and finish off the animations left in hiatus, and clean up the cream of the crop to update my reel. Thank you all who provided great critique while I ran my animation marathon!.
She's the reason why I do and do not get work done :)

Day 10-11

I'm really enjoying these motions, and I want to see them through to the end. Again this was a two day affair spent about 10 hours on this one. Overall I'm very happy with the posing, but there's just something in the timing that's bugging me and I can't quite figure it out. Critique and help always appreciated! Also, listening to some advice I added frame counters to make critique easier.

Days 8 and 9

I'm sorry, I broke my own rules of only one cycle/motion per day. I got a bit carried away with this and I wanted to see this motion through to the end, as the last critique I received they recommended I work on giving my animations more weight. All I can say is, look at those arcs! aahhh yeaahhh :P I worked on this for the better part of 7-8 hours and I'm definitely looking forward to hearing what ya'll have to say!

Day 7

Gaaahhh!! Here was another 4 hours of work on another cycle, and I can say I'm picking up the slack. I'm happy with most of the lower body, my biggest issue are the arms. Overall though I've made some progress. Whooo one week down on the project and one week to go!

Day 6

Would you look at that!
I feel after pulling this cycle off I can't look at my previous cycles the same way. I worked on this for 4 hours and I now need to step away for a bit and use some critique before I touch this angry man again. Reference made a whole world of difference. So this piece is open for critique.

Day 5

Need more time!!
Time flew by too fast while working on this and didn't really keep track of it as I was running around. But, for the benefit of doubt we'll say I had a blissful 3-4 hours of work. Tried something new today, and went for something more cartoony paying homage to my animation teachers who once taught me the secret behind the double bounce walk. The offset, threw me off completely, and I feel I got caught up pushing the pose as much as I could to the point where it's sickening how happy Norman is bouncing around. Definitely want to come back and finish this piece up as it was too much fun trying a double bounce in 3D.